Ebbene si, anche se ho solo 17 anni ho viaggiato molto e ho visitato molte città italiane e non: Firenze, Venezia, Roma, Bruxelles, New York, Toronto, Delhi, Varanasi, Copenaghen, Lione, Zurigo, Barcelona, Ginevra… ma la città che più mi è rimasta nel cuore è…PARIGI. Parigi è una città elegante, romantica in ogni suo angolo… Io ci sono stata qualche anno fa con mamma, nonna, mio fratello Tashi e le mie cugine Greta e Antonella, abbiamo trascorso solo 5 giorni, non sono stati molti, ma per me sono stati giorni indimenticabili. Parigi innanzitutto è la città delle luci e la sera quando tutto si accende diventa ancora più romantica, e solo visitandola a quell’ora, secondo me, si può veramente capire perché è chiamata la città dell’amore.
Yes, even though I'm only 17, I have traveled a lot and have visited many Italian and non-Italian cities: Florence, Venice, Rome, Brussels, New York, Toronto, Delhi, Varanasi, Copenhagen, Lyon, Zurich, Barcelona, Geneva ... the city that has remained in my heart the most is… PARIS. Paris is an elegant city, romantic in every corner ... I was there a few years ago with my mother, grandmother, my brother Tashi and my cousins Greta and Antonella, we spent only 5 days, not many, but for me they are were unforgettable days. Paris is above all the city of lights and in the evening when everything lights up it becomes even more romantic, and only by visiting it at that time, in my opinion, can you really understand why it is called the city of love.
Yes, even though I'm only 17, I have traveled a lot and have visited many Italian and non-Italian cities: Florence, Venice, Rome, Brussels, New York, Toronto, Delhi, Varanasi, Copenhagen, Lyon, Zurich, Barcelona, Geneva ... the city that has remained in my heart the most is… PARIS. Paris is an elegant city, romantic in every corner ... I was there a few years ago with my mother, grandmother, my brother Tashi and my cousins Greta and Antonella, we spent only 5 days, not many, but for me they are were unforgettable days. Paris is above all the city of lights and in the evening when everything lights up it becomes even more romantic, and only by visiting it at that time, in my opinion, can you really understand why it is called the city of love.

Il mio consiglio
Il mio consiglio, è di andare a fare una bella passeggiata lungo la Senna, luogo prescelto per gli innamorati che secondo la tradizione devono baciarsi sotto il ponte Marie, ;)… un altro luogo molto romantico, è la torre Eiffel, che di notte diventa scintillante, piccolo consiglio: per vederla al meglio senza essere circondati da troppe persone ammiratela dalla spianata del Trocadero non vi deluderà. E poi ultimo, ma non meno bello: la Collina di Montmatre, il quartiere degli artisti, delle ballerine del French Cancan, dove si respira l’atmosfera di Parigi ai tempi delle Belle Epoque, un vero incanto. Ora avete capito perché amo Parigi, sì oggi lo voglio gridare al mondo, sono una ragazza romantica, amo le rose anzi no le margherite, i cioccolatini, i film romantici etc etc…
My advice is to go for a nice walk along the Seine, a place chosen for lovers who, according to tradition, have to kiss under the Marie bridge,;) ... another very romantic place, is the Eiffel tower, which at night becomes sparkling, little advice: to see it at its best without being surrounded by too many people, admire it from the esplanade of the Trocadero will not disappoint you. And last but not least: the Montmatre Hill, the artists 'and dancers' district of the French Cancan, where you can breathe the atmosphere of Paris at the time of the Belle Epoque, a real charm. Now you understand why I love Paris, yes today I want to shout it to the world, I am a romantic girl, I love roses indeed no daisies, chocolates, romantic films etc etc ...
My advice is to go for a nice walk along the Seine, a place chosen for lovers who, according to tradition, have to kiss under the Marie bridge,;) ... another very romantic place, is the Eiffel tower, which at night becomes sparkling, little advice: to see it at its best without being surrounded by too many people, admire it from the esplanade of the Trocadero will not disappoint you. And last but not least: the Montmatre Hill, the artists 'and dancers' district of the French Cancan, where you can breathe the atmosphere of Paris at the time of the Belle Epoque, a real charm. Now you understand why I love Paris, yes today I want to shout it to the world, I am a romantic girl, I love roses indeed no daisies, chocolates, romantic films etc etc ...

Diventare un po’ bambini
Ultima cosa se siete a Parigi e volete diventare un po’ bambini non potete non andare anche solo per un giorno a Disneyland Paris, e a questo punto vi do un piccolo consiglio: acquistate il biglietto per l’ingresso al Parco on line, perché saltate la fila e a secondo della stagione potete trovare offerte convenienti poi… prendete il treno RER A e fermatevi alla stazione Marne de la Vallèe-Chessy Disneyland Paris (fermata stazione dei parchi) il costo del biglietto per adulti di sola andata costa circa 8 euro, e in soli 40 minuti vi troverete catapultati in un luogo magico dove la fantasia diventa realtà.
Last thing if you are in Paris and you want to become a bit of a child, you can't not go to Disneyland Paris for just one day, and at this point I give you a little advice: buy the ticket for the entrance to the Park online, because you skip the line and depending on the season you can find convenient offers then ... take the RER A train and stop at the Marne de la Vallèe-Chessy Disneyland Paris station (park station stop) the cost of the one-way adult ticket costs about 8 euros, and in just 40 minutes you will find yourself catapulted into a magical place where fantasy becomes reality.
Last thing if you are in Paris and you want to become a bit of a child, you can't not go to Disneyland Paris for just one day, and at this point I give you a little advice: buy the ticket for the entrance to the Park online, because you skip the line and depending on the season you can find convenient offers then ... take the RER A train and stop at the Marne de la Vallèe-Chessy Disneyland Paris station (park station stop) the cost of the one-way adult ticket costs about 8 euros, and in just 40 minutes you will find yourself catapulted into a magical place where fantasy becomes reality.